Tuesday, February 26, 2008

wheres the love?

I'm in drivers ed right now.

Not right now as in I am telapathicly transmitting my thoughts directly into this blog while I am suposed to be learning how to propperly operate a motor vehicle, right now as in, I have to go to drivers ed classes every weeknight and it sucks.

Tonight was especially craptastic, due to the fact that I am unable to speak.

But I don't want to talk about that, I don't even want to think about that. Drivers ed sucks, end of story.

In other news, there's this guy that I really like. Oh my gosh no way! Ariel is thinking about a guy?! My whole world is turned upside-down!
But really, I'm not a very boy-crazy person. It's really rare for me to get attatched to a guy.

The last time I was really into a guy was...well, Garret.

The whole Garret thing was kind of a mess. He lives like 9 hours away, so our ''relationship'' was kind of off & on. We tried ''dating'' once, but we both decided it wasn't working. The next time we saw each other, I was worried that it was going to be awkward.

If your deffanition of ''awkward'' is ''making out on a couch for a couple hours'' then yes, it was horrably awkward.

I hate admitting it but he really was my first love.(He was also my first kiss)

Some how, I kind of thought he and I would like...end up together one day.

Ahh young love.

So anyway. Garret=over. Nick=not.

Did I mention the guy I like is called Nick?
No, me thinks not.

Basically, he's fantastic.

Some times I don't belive he's real.
But he is!

The only problem is, he's five years older than me.
It dosen't bother me.

Age is an issue of mind over matter,
if you don't mind,
it dosen't matter.
-Mark Twain.

But I think it does matter to him.
I'm pretty sure he does like me, but....Bleh, boys are silly.

Chicken Little waxing philosophic

So I'm bumin' around the intorwebz. Stuck at home. Sick. Hardly able to speak. Nothin' better to do with my time.

Hey! I think. I wonder what I'll find if I google myself? I put my google-foo to the test and find....A blog! Woohoo! I forgot I made a blog back in spring, '07.

I read the whole thing. Yep, I wrote that. Some of it makes me laugh, some of it makes me a little sad. One or two things make me think ''WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!" But it's not a bad blog. It's entertaining at least.(Well, I don't know what you would think of it, but I enjoyed reading it. Come to think of it, that might not be such a good thing....)

Why did I stop blogging? Hmmm, maybe I ran out of things to write about? No, me thinks not. I didn't have any thing to write about in the first place. I was embarassed when some one read my blog? Nein, the whole point of writing it was to give people a chance to really see me.
I got bored? Most likely.

I'm back now, ready to write about the only thing I know.(Me)

Love & Disco