Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My blog is naked!

Soo today, right now, I'm trying to find a new template for my bloggy. I get bored & annoyed when I try to make them myself. (Funny, since I used to love doing stuff like that. I guess HTML just isn't good enough for me any more.) Buuuuut I can't find any online that I like. Well, I've found a couple I like, but there never perfect. Like there was one that had cute apples & stuff, but it was all blocky & out-lined & I hated it. Then there was this other one that was just the way I like 'em, all spacey & zen, no lines. It had cute breakfast food on it. Which is great, I love cute & I love breakfast, but I don't write about food. And there was this other one with Aang from Avatar, soo cute, so not what I want.

Oh well. The search goes on.

One tangled spider-web

Many a thing has happend. Many a boring thing. Well, most things that happen aren't boring to me, but they would be boring to read about in a blog. Ah well.

Saturday, my Aunt Margie & her friend Kay brought my Aunt Evelyn over for a visit. Just to clarify, Marige is my great aunt, & Evelyn is my...great-great aunt? She's a little dotty. I love her, but...you know how crazy old people are. Also, she thought I was Aaron. Okay, I do have short hair, & when we're sitting down it looks like we're the same hight (he's actually taller than me), & we do look a lot alike. But acording to her the only differance between us is my "chi-chi's." Personaly, I don't really enjoy family members commenting on the size of my boobs.

Saturday was also Jael's (Grandma's best friend) birthday. So that evening she came over for dinner & cake. (Tacos & Key Lime Poke Cake, so...yummy...) We had a quiet little party & gave her gifts & all that. It was nice, but Jael & Katriel (her 10 year old daughter) kind of overwhelm me at times. So does my Grandpa. There all very loud & they talk non stop. My Aunt Margie is like that too. So's Aunt Sharon...Seems like this side of the family is loud & obnoxious...

I love them all, & I wouldn't change them, but I have a hard time dealing with crowds of people & loud noises. I'm just weird like that.

Sunday my awesome cousin Tony stopped by. He lives in Tucson so we don't see him to much, but he was in town so he came over for a bit before heading home. Tony is...I don't know...really cool! I've always really liked him, & whenever he's around I get this warm fuzy feeling, like "I want you to be my best friend!" Haha. It helps that he's cute & nerdy. I do love to spend time with cute nerdy people. Hehehe. Anyways, when Tony came over he brought fun stuffs! He gave me the first three volumes of Fushigi Yuugi! I posted on facebook that I had just finished reading Fruits Basket, & he said I should read Fushigi Yuugi, he says it's his all time favorite manga. So when the library here didn't have it, he gave it to me! (The first three volumes anyway.) I just finished reading Vol. 1 & so far I love it! He also brought Aaron a sweet Star Wars Lego set. So fun was had by all. Horray!

Yesterday Grandma & Grandpa left for Tucson. They stayed the night so they could go to some church thing at like seven am today. Grandma was kinda' pissed that she had to go, she said she didn't want to go/wasn't going to go, but Grandpa dragged her along anyway. Grandpa's really....obnoxious, & rude, & has some thing to say about every thing (even if he has no idea what he's talking about). I don't understand how Grandma put up with him all these years. They must really be in love, or some thing...

Tooodaaaaay, I got in a car accident! Wooooaaaah. I was driving mom to work, & as we were leaving, Vicktor, the neighbor accross the street backed into us. It wasn't a big deal, & he was really nice, but man it was a shock! What a way to wake up man.

Uhm....What else is going on? Oooh Chris got his nose pierced! It's really cute, I like it. Hehe. I've been thinking about getting my lip pierced, I've wanted to for years, but never got around to it after I turned 18. But, I don't have any money, so it'll have to wait. Heh.

Oh, yesterday, I kind of got in a fight with John. (To clarify, John was a really good friend like two years ago, we kind-of-almost dated, but not really, I wasn't in love with him, he claims to have been in love with me, & I sort of broke his heart. We've been texting a bit the last couple months, & he's still just as gloomy & melodramatic as he alway was.) Basically, he totally lied to me, then made excuses for lying, &, I'm pretty sure he lied some more. Here's how the conversation went:

John: Hey! Whats up?

Ariel: I'm making robot magnets! =D Whats up with you?

John: I'm relaxing before my last night here. [Ok, when he said this I was like, "Holy shit, is he going to tell me that he's planning on offing himself?!"]

Ariel: Uh what? Where are you going?

John: Oh, didn't I tell you?

Ariel: Nooo....

John: After you did what you did to me I decided I needed a major change so I enlisted. ["After what you did to me." You know...there are a lot of things I could say about this statement, mostly it pissed me off. For Pete's sake, we weren't even dating, & it was two years ago!]

Ariel: Holy. Shit.

John: I'm leaving in ten hours for my two years. [Right here is when I had this sneaking suspicion that he was lying to me. I beleive in following my gut, but I played along anyway.]

Ariel: Woahs...wow John, that HUGE. Ohmygosh...

John: Pending I come back that is. [This is when I thought, "maybe he's lying, & he wants to know how I'd feel if he died..."]

Ariel: Don't say that you ass! Thats an awful thing to say.

John: Well its a reality I have to face. Could you handle it hough? Have you told me every thing you want to? Are you ready to say goodbye to me? [Again, doesn't this just sound like the precursor to a suicide letter?]

Ariel: Shut the fuck up! Jesus John, you know if you said that to my face I'd slap you.

John: I need to know Ariel, I'm not gonna have a phone over there. Am I really asking that much? [Over there? Like you enlisted yesterday & you're getting shipped off to Iraq tomorrow?]

Ariel: I don't even know what you're asking. What do you want?

John: I'm basically asking you said every thing to me that you havce ever wanted to

Ariel: Idk, I guess. Have you?

John: I still like you is about it.

Ariel: It's been two years! Why can't you just deal with the fact that we will never be together & move on?

John: I ment as a friend Ariel. I should hate you for what you did to me but I don't. Why the freakout? [Ok, I did freak out a little. When some one says "I like you" they usually mean more than friends. I felt kind of silly after that...]

Ariel: Well duh you still like me as a friend! Why else would you text me all the time?

John: I'm just trying to say I forgive you for breaking my heart. [Really? Are you sure? 'Cause you keep saying "After what you did to me." Doesn't sound like you forgive me.]

Ariel: Thanks, I guess. So where are you going for boot camp? [This is when I decided to see how far he was willing to go for his lie.]

John: Ok now you're probably gonna hit me for this.

Ariel: What? [No, really?]

John:I'm not leaving anywhere but the store that I work as a friend of mine did the same thing to me today.

Ariel: Yeah I figured. Why'd you feel the need to lie to me?

John: I was trying to figure out what the hell he was going that for I'm sorry for the deciet but lately he has been acting strage I'm trying to understand why.

Ariel: Wow. Thanks for using me as a lab rat. Maybe he's thinking about committing suicide & wants to know how people will react.

John: Thank you for giving me that view piont and in all respects dont you thing I have the right to do that? [Um, excuse me?]

Ariel: The right to what? Lie to people who care about you? Sure, but I have the right to not trust any thing you say now.

John: After what you did your going to criticize me for trying to understand my friend better? [After what I did? What the hell are you talking about?!]

Ariel: You could have told me what he did & asked for my opinion.

John: I needed to see how it made him feel.

Ariel: Yeah, sure. [If you didn't know how he felt before telling the lie, why would lying to some one else help you understand?]

John: I needed the best perspective.

That's when I was really pissed off & stopped talking to him. Honestly, I'm not sure I believe the thing about his ''friend.'' It sounds like a load of bull-shit to me. He should know me better by now, I like helping people with problems, but I fucking hate being lied to.

Jeeze, sorry that bits sooo long. I tried editing stuff out, but it's all sort of important to me. Anyway, I'm going to make more robots.

Love & flip-flops,