Saturday, February 21, 2009

The things I've left undone, these thing are yet to come.

My goodness! Funny seeing you here? How long has it been since we last met? I'm sorry we fell out of touch, Blog. I would say "Oh I've just been so busy with work & Chris & Mad & the fam, I hardly have time to wash my own clothes!" (which is sort of true, I'm wearing my last clean shirt) but the time for excuses is long past. How 'bout I fill you in instead? I say it's about time we caught up!

I don't feel like writing in my journal any more, I think it might have to do with what my journal looks like. It's a fluffy orange book with a blue monster on the cover. Super cute as it may be, I find all the little illistrations on every page a wee-bit distracting. And so, I don't bother writing. I'm going to regret that a few years from now when I feel like reading about my 17-year-old self.

Ah well, such is life.

There have been a lot of other things I've left undone as well. Like laundry...but I did start cleaning my room the other day! It's still a sty, but a much tidier sty if I may say so myself.

Chris & I are still madly in love. A couple nights ago he told me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me!

Yesterday Chris, Mad & I hung out together. We went to Mary's Market(ohmygod french onion soup is sooooo good! I could eat it for every meal of the day) & to the ELB. It was sort of a slow night, but it was cool to see a few of the old peeps, & a couple of the new peeps. But I still feel to shy to dance in front of Chris.

Oh hold on a moment, Chris is here to deliver some tastey lunch!

And now back to the show.

My dad is leaving to start a new job tomorrow. He's gonna' be driving long distance again, so he'll be gone all week, & home every weekend. He used to drive over the road like four years ago, & I remember what it was like, but I think it's gonna' be weird not having him around all the time. But he'll be making a lot more cash than he was with his other job. Sooo....Yeah. Kinda' sucks.

My job is making me a little crazy. I've been working around 25 hours a week & I'm still not used to it. (hence the fact that I have no clean clothes.)Every day I get up around seven, scarf down some breaky, dress in a rush & hop off to work. I get off around three, go home, shower & all that jazz, & most days Chris picks me up around five. I don't get home 'till 10:30, & since I have to work early in the morning I just brush my teeth & hop in bed. I feel like I have no time at all.

When am I suposed to wash clothes? Do school-work?(I'm not in school, but I'm trying to get ahead in maths before I enroll at RVC next fall.) When do I fit in time for myself? I simply don't understand how people lead ballnced lives. Some of the people I work with have full time jobs outside of B&N, & lots of them have children! How on earth do they find the time?!

Hopefully I can figure out time for housework & myself, as simple as it is I don't think this pattern of sleep, work, Chris, sleep, work, Chris, is really going to work. I don't really want to cut-back on my hours though, since I want to save money to A) fix my car, B) pay for classes & such, & C) get a place of my own some time later this year or next.

Speaking of getting a place, I'm sort of having an issue with that. Actually, never mind. I want to tell some one about this but I'm not sure I'm ready to post it all over the interwebs.

I shouldn't have said any thing.

I'm very itchy all over. I feel like I have fleas. Eeew, fleas!
Ugh, I think I'm going to go take a shower.

Love & tacos,

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I feel chubby

I am in need of a hair cut, ASAP! I glanced in the mirror today(as I do every day) & realized that I look an awful lot like Raggedy Andy, only my hair is brown instead of hot-rod red. Also, I've been trying to figure out just how many haircuts(& when) I'll need for my hair to look perfect when Chris, & I(Jackie too) go to NJ to see his sister.

Oh I never wrote about that did I? Okay, so I every spring Chris & his mother(Jackie) fly to NJ to visit his sister(Corinna). And this year I was invited to tag along. I'm super excited to meet his sister, though I'm sure as our departure aproches I'll get more & more nervous, as always.

I keep thinking about May. Every time I go downstairs to do laundry I look at my suite case & think "Gosh, I really should bring that upstairs to let it air-out so all my clothes don't smell like the dungeon." But then I remember that it's only Feb. & if I brought it up, my case would only be taking up much needed space in my room for about three months. I think about east-cost weather a lot too. I keep wondering if it'll be warm enough for me to wear all my cute dresses & skirts & whether or not I should buy some shorts. But, once again, I remember that none of this is going to matter for another three months.

I've always been like this though. The first couple times I went to Arkansas with Madeleine, I would wash all my clothes & pack about a week ahead. Then, realizing that I had packed to much & that I had nothing to wear for a week, I'd basically live out of my suitcase until a day or two before we left. Going to Arizona for the summer when I was a kid was even worse! I'd sort out every thing I might want to bring, fold it & stack it neatly on my floor, almost two months before we left! I love making packing-lists too. Since I was an itty-bitty whenever I was sleeping over at a friend's house, going camping, or going on vacation, I'd write & rewrite list after list, making sure I didn't forget any thing--but I always forget some thing important.(Sun-screen, cameras, tooth brush, socks....)

Ugh, all I can think about is leaving Rockford.
I'll write more later.

Love & fishes,