Saturday, April 26, 2008

how to chanel a rock-goddess in three easy steps

Way back when Mad & Boyfriend sort of bullied me into auditioning for Nick C.'s band I never imagined that anything would come of it. In fact, I was pretty sure that after the second audition they'd say some thing nice(so there's no hard feelings) & tell me they just don't think I'm a good fit for the band.

Shit, I was wrong. Can you believe it?! I can't. I mean, I know I have an okay voice, better than many, but...I don't know, I just didn't think I could do it, whatever "it" is.

Goddamn! Holy shit! Now all I've got to do is ditch my nerves & learn how to chanel a rock-goddess.

On a totally different note(like F & b-flat), my sunburn is now peeling, & it's gross.
Plus it iches like a mofo. Gah.

All right my ducks & duckettes, it's time I got off to bed. Mmm...maybe I'll take a shower first...
Stop! Shower time!

Love & picks,

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm melting! I'm melting!

How to survive a nasty sunburn:

  1. Loose cotton clothes. Right now I'm in love with my Napoleon Dynamite t-shirt & my Hello Kitty PJs. But I don't think I'll be wearing a bra for a while.

  2. Cool it off! Depending on the severity of said burn, you might end up with a wee bit of swelling. The best thing to do is use some ice packs, even if it's not that nasty, taking the heat out of your burn will make it hurt much less.

  3. Pain killers! My fav is Ibuprofen. It's amazing, it's what I took all the time when I had braces, worked like a charm! Though if you're like me & always get a side of headaches with your sunburn, I recomend taking one Ibuprofen(Advil) & one Acetaminopehn(Tylenol). But don't over do it! Most people don't know that one tablet of Ibuprofen is actually a full dose for an adult. (Note, I'm no doctor, don't take my word as solid medical addvice, it's not)

  4. Moisturize! That's just a fancy way of saying DONT LET YOUR SKIN DRY OUT! And trust me, with a sunburn it's quite likely to. You can use just any old lotion but I'd say go with the Aloe. You can get tubes of Aloe gell stuff at any drug store. Seriously, it helps sooooo much. I love the stuff 'cause it feels all cool slimy it makes your burn feel better! Also, using Aloe will help keep your sunburn from peeling, wich is nice since peeling is GROSS.
  5. Drink fluids! I know it's soooo cliche, but it really does help. Trust me!
  6. Don't let it hapen again! Studies show that people who have been seriously burned at least once in their life are 10 times more likely to get skin cancer later. So slather on that SPF 30! P.S. Sunburns cause lots of outward skin damage, but the UVB rays from the sun do damage you can't even see! Because of the UBV you're more likely to get wrinkles, and ages spots (and skin cancer!) at an early age if you don't wear sunscreen. I'd rather be pale than look like a leather handbag!
  7. Don't scratch it! I don't know why but my sunburns always itch like crazy, but trust me DONT SCRATCH. It hurts, a lot, & since you've already fucked up your skin with the sun, a little bit of scratching can cause permanent scars.

Notes: Just a few things I noticed last night: Do not take a long hot shower! If you're feeling stiff & sore a hot shower might sound like just what you need, but with a bad sunburn it's more pain than it's worth! Also, be careful what hair care crap you choose, a suprising amount of shampoos & conditioners have alcahol in them, i.e. IT HURTS YOUR SUNBURN. If possible, do not sleep on your sunburn! I can't sleep on my belly, & I can't sleep on my side unless I'm in bed with some one else, so sadly, I ended up sleeping on my sunburn & it hurts like a mofo.

Love & lobsters,

Sunday, April 20, 2008

who wears short-shorts?!

Well my ducks & duckettes, today was a good day. I got to meet Maddog's new boytoy, he seemed pretty cool once he actually started talking.

Though I have to say, I'm in a lot of pain right now. Mad 'n I went to walgreens first, & I ment to buy some sun screen, but like the dipshit I am, I forgot. I was wearing a sort of low-cut dress, so now my back & arms are a pretty painful shade of red. Gah! Work is not going to be fun tomorrow!


Also, my bike seat sucks, there for my bum is bruised. WHO GETS A BRUISED BUM?! It's so weird.

Mmmkay, I do believe I needs to shower now. And sleep. Mmm, sleeeep....

Love & aloe,

Saturday, April 19, 2008

come join my pity party!

Soooo, I feel like a crap person, & a quitter.

I started making currtans for my bedroom, got half way done, & quit!(Actually, I decided to take a break 'cause I'd been sewing for an hour or so & I didn't want my machine to over heat, & never went back to do the rest) Started studying for exams, & quit!(I keep meaning to study but...I always think of some thing better to do) Started writing that song, started cleaning my room, started writing that essay, started knitting that hat, started working out, started god knows what else, AND QUIT.

Meh. This is the worst blog ever, all I can do is rant in a self loathing way.
I guess todays just one of those crap days where all I can do is feel sorry for myself & not do any thing about it.

You know what'd make me feel better right about now? Rainbow sherbert.
You can't feel sorry for yourself while eating rainbow sherbert!

Love & brain freeze,

double crap & dinos

Boyfriend brought up an interesting subject a while ago.(I've actually been meaning to write about this for ages, but I still haven't figured out how to tell the story & have it be as funny to you as it is to me)

Two words: Retarded dinosaurs.

Now for me this brought up a whole slew of philosophical questions, can animals be retarded? I mean, obviously if dinos were they wouldn't live very long & there wouldn't be any fossils of them, there for we have no conclusive evidence that there weren't handicapped dinos. I've actually spent a lot of time thinking about this, & come up with all sorts of questions & arguments, but that's not the point of this story.


So we're talking about the possibility of handicapped dinosaurs, joking around about the ''chalenged'' t-rex, & another idea pops up: Donny the special needs dino.
Can you imagine that as a kids book? It would be great!
And ofcourse the book would be so popular that PBS would pick it up as a kids show, to teach tolerance & stuff. Bwahaha.
That's so wrong on so many levels.

Now please, don't think I'm making fun of retarded people, I'm not. I have mentaly chalenged family memebers(well, only one) & I do get offended when people use the word retard as an insult. But come on, Donny the special needs dino? You gotta' love it!

Crap, I can't beleive I just said ''you gotta' love it''. Ew.

Okay, I feel like a really bad person right now. Last night I decided to go to the ACF show thinking I didn't work today. Well guess what? I just checked the messages on my cell phone & it turns out I was s'posed to be there at 7:30. Fuck! Double fuck! I'm such a crappy excuse for a human! Gaaaads, I bet I through off the whole day, & saturdays are soooo busy....Shiiiiiiit. I suck. I really really suck. Fuck. I bet every one in caffe is pissed at me now. I know I would be! Aaaargh. Some one should shoot me in the head. When I called to explain what happend(though I really have no excuse) Emily acted like it was no big deal, but it is! I really fucked up. Grrr, I hate myself right now.

Gads, I don't know what it is about today but I'm a really shitty person. First I don't show up for work when I'm fucking opening(i.e. they needed me there), then I bitch at Mad on the phone for a while, act like a total bitch to Aaron & cancel my audition. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I am a shithead.

Damn, I think I feel that Jewish/Catholic guilt kicking in. Haha. No, I should feel guilty.

I can't beleive I worked this morning! Fuck! I suck like a hoover.
Every one should hate me today.
I know I do.

Crap & double crap,

blame it on the rain

I tend to get on kicks some times. A couple months ago I would only eat tomato & cheese sandwiches when I was at home. And for a while I would wear my green jacket every single day. Some times I'll end up having the same thing for breakfast every day for weeks. I can't help it! Right now I'm really into tea. It's like the only thing I drink. Some times I'll have coffee when I'm at work, but usually it's tea. I actually have a hard time drinking any thing other than tea. If I wake up in the middle of the night & think ''damn, I could really use a drink'' I end up staying in bed because I know if I get up I'm gonna' make myself a cup of tea instead of just getting a glass of water.

This hapens to me with clothes, colors, hairstyles, it's insane! For a while I'd wear headbands to work all the time, even though I look like crap in a headband, and once for about a week I had to wear yellow all the time. Not like all I could wear was yellow shirts or some thing, but I had to wear some thing yellow, like earings or socks.

I'm nuts.

I've been feeling very anti-pants & shoes for a while now. I honestly hate wearing any thing but skirts & sandals. Last night was sort of torture, because I had to wear pants and shoes.
I've been feeling sort of anti-bra too, but I'm afraid my back dosen't like it much when I don't wear one. Note: Boobs are heavier than you think!

But last night was fun none 'ze less. I less than three the ELB!

ACF was killer as per usual, but they didn't play brand new zombie! >:( It pissed me off.
They always make me think of crazy parties with cocaine & champagne.

We didn't get to see all of The Swing Set, sooo that sucked. I've never actually seen them play a set all the way through, I've always had to leave.(Sorry Evan/Bartholomew)

This blog isnt going very well...There was some thing I was s'posed to write about but I don't remember what! Son of a biscuit.
I think I shall try agian later.

Love & dinosaurs,

Friday, April 18, 2008


I sort of feel like a cock-tease after last night.

Ya' see, Boyfriend & I ended up hanging out with John all day & so we didn't get to like...fool around. It's no big deal really, being there for your friends is more important than making out, & if Boyfriend had suggested we leave John to wallow in his own self-pity, I would have been pretty upset. Bros before hos!(not that I'm calling myself a ho...) And I expect him to understand when I put my girls before him.(Chicks before dicks!)

So then it's like 12:50ish & we're parked in my driveway, making out, obviously. God I was so fucking turned on! I was most certainly not ready to go home. but it was like one in the morning(!) & I was kinda' afraid my mom would still be up.(she wasn't, THANK GOD) So....yeah...I feel like a tease. But I guess I am. Mwahaha.

When I got inside, the house was quiet & dark. At first I was like ''Yes! No one's awake! HUZZAH!"(Except not huzzah 'cuz I'm actually not that big a dork) But then, I thought for sure my mum would be sitting in the arm chair & turn the light on right when I thought I was home free. Just like in the movies. But she didn't!

Then I was like "Ho crap, do I have to work tomorrow?" Much to my dismay, I did have to work in the morning, at 7:30. Needless to say I am quite tired today. And I've been cussing alot. I always end up cussing a ton when I haven't had enough sleep. The first word out of my mouth this morning was actually bitch.(I was talking to my alarm clock)

Aaaah crap face.

I doooo have some thing rather funny to write about but I told the boy child I'd play a game with him before I go to the ACF show with Maddog.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm dating a miracle

I don't really feel like talking right now. Errr....typing? Yeah, typing.
But I just thought I'd share this with you, greatest confession EVER:

I'm trying to write a letter to Alli right now, but it's not going that well....

OH DEAR GOD! How could I forget?!
Yeah, a truck.
Personally, I think he's a walking miracle. He got hit by a freaking semi & walked away.
He's not even bruised!
When he told me, my reaction was predictable, I said ''You got hit by a semi? AND YOU DIDN'T CALL ME?!"
Though, after thinking about it, I know it's a very good thing that he told me face to face. If he had called & been like ''sooo, I got hit by a truck, but don't worry, I'm totally fine!" I would have freaked out. Even face to face I was freaking out. All I could say for about 10 minutes was ''You got hit by a truck?!"
The whole thing is pretty crazy-making.

Okay, I gots ta' go.
Love & waffles,

Monday, April 7, 2008

bleh to the tenth power

I am sick. Very very sick.
My head feels like there's a little gnome inside pounding on my brain with a hammer.
I feel so week, I couldn't open the peanut butter by myself!
Bleh, blah, bloo, blee.
I spent my whole day drinking tea & reading comics.
Now I think every one should call me & leave me messages.

Man, I totally found the most wonderfully ironic quote today
"A witty saying proves nothing." Voltaire
Bwahaha, I love it.

Ich liebe dich


I have no clue what I'm doing with my life.
I want to do some thing, I want to be some one, but I don't know what & I don't know who.
I feel like every thing is just moving to fast, & life, the universe, keeps accelerating. It's out of my control.
Like I'm driving this car down a deserted rurual highway, the road is curvy, there's trees on either side, I know I can't see more than 50 feet in front of me, but I just keep driving faster and faster not knowing whats in front of me. I can't slow down now, it's out of my control, & any second now some thing could appear in front of me to stop me dead in my tracks.

Wow, I sound morbid.

Bah, I hate being sick. It makes my brain all heavy.
Je t'adore,

Go here:
I just spent about an hour an a half looking at that website, killing my IQ, & I think you should too!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

reoccuring me

"I believe there is someone on the other side of the world who is just like me. I also think that we’d really get on.
If it’s true, they should be reading this.
Why aren’t you trying to find me?

I've always felt like that, ever since I was 8 & I read this study about reoccuring genetic mutations, & this one genetic reasearcher's hypothesis about "dopelgangers" & why some people tend to look like their bestfriends.

I'm a nerd...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

falling off the horse

Slept a lot yesterday, then went to the Elb with Mad.
It was cool, but the Elb doesn't seem to hold the same charm that it used to.
Damn people.
People mess up every thing.

So I guess I shouldn't write stuff about people on here, turns out *some one* Mad knows read my blog(god only knows why, I wouldn't read this crap!) & found out about the whole....uhm....Drake thing....I feel kinda' bad, I mean, I knew this would happen, I know that we both know a lot of the same people, but I did nothing to prevent it.

Then again, it feels sort of justified, after the whole Steve thing Mad told tons of people! Man I wanted to kill her, seriously, I started getting IMs from people I don't even know, trying to comfort me, or warn me, & the whole time I just wanted to pound Mads face into a wall.

Awhile ago, I met this guy, and when I told him my name he goes ''wait, do you know Steve (last name)?"
Me: "Uhm....yeah, why?"
Him: "Duuuuude!"
Me: "What?!"
Him: "Oh, nothing...I've just heard some stuff about you..."
Me: *dies*

So forgive me if I don't feel all that guilty.
Ahaha, I'm such a bitch.

It's weird to know some one has actually read this crap...It makes me think I should watch what I say....But I wont, I like being totally candid.

Gah, I had no idea the things that I say could cause so much drama-rama!

Mad's worried about people at her school reading my blog, Boyfriend's worried about people at work reading it, WHAT NEXT?!

I feel like I should make up code-names for every one...but that would mean I'd have to go through & edit out all the names I've ever said. Ugh. No, laziness wins again!

I have that audition for Nick C.'s band tonight. I don't want to do it. I want to give up, like I always do. I give up on every thing, why does this have to be any different? BLEH. But I can't back out. Waaaa! Why do I have to be so honest? Why can't I just make up some excuse & not do it? Why? I'm such a fucking chicken!

I'm going to do it, I mean it's just an audition right? It doesn't mean any thing!
This would be a lot easier if Mad or Boyfriend would come with me. But Boyfriend is working, & Mad has some party to go to. >:( I feel sort of abandoned, like no one's here for me when I need them.
Big suprise, it's always been like that.

What happened to all my friends? I used to have a bunch of great friends, we had so much fun & we were always there for each other. Now I basically have three friends.
I guess I sort of out-grew every one, & never tried to replace them...
I suck.

This is really depressing. I don't think I should write stuff when I'm feeling like this, it always sounds bitchy & self-pitying, I'm really not like that in real life.

Go fly a kite!

Love & bananas,

Friday, April 4, 2008

and that's when she called me a...

Blah blah blah.
I dooo have stuffs to write about, but I am le' tired. I s'pose that ought to be la tired, since I'm female, but le tired sounds cooler.
Or does the male/female rule not aply in that situation?

I felt bad for Boyfriend last night. He was trying so hard to get my attention but I was falling asleap.

I shouldn't find that funny, but I do, I'm such a crappy person.

Boys in general are quite entertaining. And they have no idea! Ahaha. They can be so clueless.

Speaking of Boyfriend, it seems as though he's a little uncomfy with ze whole blog thing.
I s'pose I can see why, not every one has the same feelings I do(i.e. if you ask I'll tell). So I shall respect his wishy-wishes & not post certain *cough* details of our time spent together.

Anypoo, I shall tell all about yesterday at some other point in time. Right now I need some coffee.

Ashiteru wa!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

si por supuesto

Today was sad-making.


Gah, I have a guitar lesson tomorrow. I do not want to go. In fact, all I really feel like doing tomorrow is....well, nothing. I'd be quite happy to watch movies & not eat any thing.

Being alone kind of sounds good too, whatever hapend to alone time? Myself & I used to spend lots of time together, but latley I'm always with some one. How is that possible? My social-square is smaller than ever, yet I have less time to myself?

I confuse myself some times.

I CAN NOT WAIT 'till May 22nd. It's gonna' be the shizznit. For those of you who don't know(meaning all three of my readers, counting myself) I'm going to Summer Camp( with M-dizzle. I'm crazy excited. This'll be the first fest I've gone to in like two years. YAY DIRTY HIPPY FESTIVALS!!!
It's kinda' hard to explain festivals. Unless you've been to one, you're not going to get it. I sound like bitch, but it's truuuuuue! It's just one of those things you have to do, like eating ice-cream, it's really hard to explain why eating frozen milk is so great, or laying in the grass & looking up at the stars, you just have to do it!

Last time Mad & I went to S-camp was great, except she met a cute hippy dude, & I was a third wheel the whole time. Last time we talked about it(we were making plans to ninja it up at S-camp) she said some thing about how we both have to meet hott hippy guys & have sex in tents(actually, I think I may have added the sex bit myself...). I sort of laughed & was like "Yeah I can't wait"(or some thing equally witless) but I was thinking "WTF? I have Boyfriend, no hippies for me!"

Hah, haha.

I have really awesome parentals. Last night I didn't get home 'till around one(in ze morning), I explained what hapend & my mom was cool with it. I think she was a little uncomfy with how late I was out, but she trusts me, & I love that. If I'd been out that late two years ago my 'rents would have fliped out. But then again, I wasn't very trust worthy two years ago.


This morning I was chillen with Dad, we were talking & he asked me about drinking, as in, do Mad & I drink? I told him my thoughts about it, Mad over did it a while ago, learned her lesson & hasn't had a drink since, I was never all that into alcohol anyway.

He then asked me if we planned on drinking at summer camp(though that's not really the sort of thing you plan). told him, honestly, I trust people at festivals more than I trust the general public, but in that situation I'd rather keep my wits about me, because theres always that one asshole who thinks it'd be fun to take advantage of the cute drunk girl. There for, if I were to partake in any illegal activities, it'd be like, one beer, & only if I open it myself(that's always a rule of mine in party-like places, I don't drink it unless I open it myself). Also, Mad & I stay together, always, it's the only real rule we have. Daddy smiled & said that was a very responsible & well thought out answer, & said he's cool with that, as long as I keep it responsible & stay out of trouble.

He then proceded to ponder why I turned out so different from him & mom at this age.
I had no answer.

Love & mini-moos,

dizzy princesses

When I was younger I totally hated my name. Well, not so much my name, as peoples reactions to it. When every one you meet says "Ohhh! Were you named after the little mermaid?"(or some thing equaly stupid) you get a little tired of it. The sad thing was, I always loved that movie, Ariel was like my idol.

Now that I'm a little older(& people no longer compair me to a singing fish) I'm actually quite fond of my name, & delite in wearing Ariel the Little Mermaid crap.(I own two differant Ariel t-shirts, both from hottopic, & three pairs of Ariel socks^_^)

I feel like it would be awesome to start a band with other people who share their names with Disney princesses. I mean think about it! If you took Ariel, Jasmine, Arora, Belle & Cindy(or Ella) VOILA! It'd be fantastic. Instead of calling the band The Disney Princesses, we'd call it The Dizzy Princesses. It sounds close enough that people would get it, but we wouldn't get sued!
And dude, punk versions of the princess costumes? CAN YOU SAY SEXALICIOUS?!
Obviously it'd be pretty hard to find girls called Mulan & Pocahontas.....But whatever.

I wouldn't wear a fish tail on stage, that'd be way to awkward. But like....a sequined mini skirt(or dress....) that would rock. And I could color my hair redish....

Love & disco,

hella tight

I got about six hours of sleep last night....
But I really have no one to blame but myself.(I hate when that hapens) I just couldn't sleep!
That's not true, once I actually draged myself off to bed I was off to dream land in a matter of minutes, but before I did get to bed I kept thinking of things I wanted to do! And then I stayed up to write not one, but two blogs!
There is most totally some thing wrong with me.

I have a paper cut on my left pinkie finger....I don't know how or when it got there, I just know it hurts, alot.(Yes, I know "alot" is not actually a word)

Bah, I gots 'ta get going.

Love & catfish,

don't be so humble, you're not that great

Sooooos I just went & re-read all the posts I've made on this blog.....

I suck.

I should stop giving out my URL, I don't want people to know how crazy & obsessive I am.
Hah, oh well, to late now right?

I think when I turn 18 I'm going to have a french proverb tattooed across my shoulders.
Some thing like....
autant en emporteleven(as much as the wind can carry)

aux innocents les main pleins(the innocent have their hands full, it sort of suits me...)

La vie en rose(life in pink, kind of like that one saying about rose colored glasses)

a coeur vaillant rien d'impssible(for a brave heart nothing is impossible)

Faut souffrir pour etre belle(beauty does not come with out suffering)

`a beau mentir qui vient de loin(I can't remember the exact translation, but it boils down to ''long ways, long lies'' as in, it's easy to lie about yourself when you're a long way from home)

`a bon chat, bon rat(a good cat for a good rat, if I got that one I think I'd have a little black rat right below it)

`a chaque jour suffil sa peine(for each day there suffices suffering)

Any-pooo, it's sleapy time for me!
Love & tooth paste,

Add me on myspace BETCH!

I HATE TOM. But I'm one of his many slaves....


I can't talk much now--as it's about 2 in the morning & I have to be up at 9--but I wanted to post a little update aaaaaand a list of things that I might be posting later today if I'm not feeling to lazy.


Though, I can't say I haven't been tempted to do the same.
Last summer after the whole Garret thing....gads, if it weren't for Mad & Lauren god only knows what I might have done with Mr.Dude.(I'm not one to regret things, I believe risks are ment to be taken and mistakes are ment to be made, but....lets just leave it at EW)


Speaking of sex & stupid things, I'm on the phone with Alli the other day & I hear the sound of a foil wraper being opened. I didn't think much of it at the time, Alli does all sorts of weird things while chatting on the phone & after a while I learned not to ask questions. A couple minutes later were talking about some thing completely stupid & random, & I realise, Alli's voice is curiously muffeld...
"Babe, what are doing?" I ask.
"Ewing ona chawy codom"
"Huh what now?"
"EWING ONA CHAWY CODOM!" Oh dear god, please tell me she didn't just say what I think she said.
"Alli, don't talk with your mouth full."
"Sorry, I was chewing on a cherry condom." I was afraid of that.
"Whaaaat? They taste real good!"
"Seriously! I'll send you some with my next letter and you can try them yourself! I know you like chewing on things!"

Actually, now that I think about it, I 'prolly would chew on a cherry flavored condom....

Today I discoverd a most sexalicious fact: BOYFRIEND CAN TIE CHERRY STEMS IN KNOTS!

A'right, enough sexy talk, I don't want my blog to be flagged.
Love & pillow talk,

P to the S

I forgot I was s'posed to put a list of things you have to look forward to(Sorry!)
Well here it goes:
Ninja-ing at Summer camp(
Coffee personalities(you can tell alot about a person by what they drink, FO REALZ FOO!)
Why the hell I made so many tips this week
EVERY THING I EAT IS MAKING ME SICK(sort of, kind of, not really)
90's music
cars(nuff' said)
murphy's law(AKA why my period only comes when I'm wearing sexy panties)
And last but not least, YER MOM.(Well, not really, I just enjoy saying YER MOM)