Thursday, February 11, 2010


This is the fifth month since I came to Arizona, & I remain unemployed. Poop.

Sooo I'm trying to keep myself busy, & trying to keep myself sane until I make my less-than-triumphant return to Rockford. Har-har.

I've started knitting again; I gobble down books, barely pausing to digest the information they deliver before moving on to the next; I go on hikes in the moutains; I play games with Aaron; I text Chris constantly; & I'm sending valentines to all my friends & co-workers...but I feel totally useless.

I never-ever-thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to get back to Illinois.

I feel bad leaving my mom though. She's been through a lot, & she could use the moral support. Which is why I'm not leaving 'till May, June at the latest. It's hard to put my guilt aside though, on the one hand, moms' a grown-up, she can take care of herself, & no doubt she will! But...She's always taken care of me, now who's taking care of her?
