Thursday, April 2, 2009

Once upon a time there was a watch...

What the fuck-hole happend to March?! It's over all ready?! Wowza, I'm totally behind on the times!

(I use far to many exclamation points...)

Now it is April. Spring hath sprung! And the sky hath opend up in torents!
For Pete's sake, all this rain is driving me up the wall.(Actually, all this rain is making me feel like I ought to crawl in a hole & die.)

At work yesterday I realized that it was April first(why I haden't figured this out before is any one's guess). I got so excited that March was over that I ran(casually speed-walked) to the callender to count how many days there were before Chris & I go to New Jersey in May.(50 at the time, now it's 49)

I can not wait 'till May! Our trip is just a month away! I'm turning into Dr. Suess! To quit this ryme would be no use!

But ofcourse, realizing that the trip is so close(yet still so far!) sent me into a tail-spin of worry.
How much should I pack?
What's the airlines weight limmit for checked lugage?
What will I do with my extra stuff if it turns out that I've packed to much?
If I'm over prepaired will every one think I'm high matinence?
If I'm unprepaired will they think I'm stupid?
What will the weather be like when we get there?
Should I pack extra pants?
What about a jacket?
How many pairs of shoes should I bring?


I am insane.

I really need to start saving money. As it is, I sort of feel like, I have no reason not to spend, so if I feel like buying a couple cute dresses for this summer, what's the harm? But I really want to move out of my mum & da's house ASAP, & for that, I shall need the money.

Part of the whole moving out thing is deciding if I really want to stay in Rockford. I'm young, I have a chance to leave this crap-hole before I'm stuck! But I don't think Chris really wants to leave, & I'm not prepaired to leave him.

Speak of the devil, Chris is here. So I shall end this before I really let crazy out of the bottle.

Love & tampons,