Friday, January 15, 2010

Make with the seriousness!

Ok, so I don't want to say to much about the whole Haiti thing, but if you have a little cash to spare you really should donate to the redcross. It would be a wonderful thing to do.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Have I ever mentioned how much job hunting sucks? The whole thing is just stupid & disorganized. I hate having to fill out app after app & BS on each & every one about why I want some crappy dead-end-job. Uh, maybe because I need money so that I can one day have a job that isn't crappy & dead-ended?

Seriously, I think places like cafes would run so much better if they had a trial run with all the people they're thinking about hiring. What? My work history isn't long enough for you? Well let me show you how awesome I am behind the counter & then you'll see who's worth hiring.

That sounded a little dirty....