Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Once upon a midnight dreary

Ah! Internet! It's been so long since I last saw you! And, oh! My dear blog. How are you? Have you missed me? You'll never beleive how I missed you so! But it's alright my dear, we're together again, never to be parted. Well, at least not until I've filled you in on lots of stuff...

Where to start?

Well, first, I will tell you all about Ariel's Very Bad Day. It actually wasn't that bad, but it reminded me of that book, where the boy was just having a rotten day & he keeps saying he's going to move to Australia.

It started out unpleasant, but not horrable. I had planned on getting up around 10:30 so I'd have time to shower before work, but I slept through my alarm. Later, I was running late for work, & didn't have time for breakfast. As I walked around my car to get in, I saw a large crack in my windshield. I didn't have time to inspect it, but now I'm pretty sure that some one thought it would be funny to break my window. Guess that's what I get for parking on the street.

When I got off work, I was kind of in a bad mood. You would be too! I mean, I have never damaged my car in anyway, (except the thing with the oil cap, but I'll tell you about that later) & this is the third time some one else has hurt my poor POS with out telling me. (1. About a week after I got my car, some one side-swiped it, taking the drivers side mirror off. 2. A couple weeks ago, some one either side-swiped it again, or thought it would be funny to scrape a bunch of paint off the side. 3. Some one cracked my windshield, 'nuff said.) So I walked in the house, intending to rant about my car, only to have my mum tell me that my Uncle just died.

That hurt. I feel really bad about it. I haven't seen Uncle Don in what...six years? I knew he was in the hospital, I knew he was sick again. But I never got around to sending a get well soon card. I know a card couldn't have made much of a differance. But maybe it would have made him happy to know we were thinking of him, & hoping for him to pull through. It wouldn't bother me as much if I could make it to the funeral, but that's out of the question. I hope he's in a better place now...I hope Faith is doing ok.... :[

I supose other than that the day was good. Mad stopped in while I was at work. And I talked to Ericka briefly.(Is that how you spelll that name? I hate spelling names, there's no rules. People just make up all sorts of odd spellings for all sorts of names. Not that I mind, I think it's cool that names have no rules, but it's rather annoying at work when I have to put names on cups. If you misspell it, the person thinks you're stupid, but if you ask how to spell it they think you're stupid, YOU JUST CAN'T WIN!) Later on Mad 'n I went to lazerquest with this dude Seth. Seth is cool, pretty cute, really weird in a very good way. He kicked our asses at the game. (Which I just lost.) What else did we do? Oh we played ghosts in the graveyard with the kids, that's always fun.

It felt like a bad day, but I think it was a good day with bad over tones.

Ericka & I went to the Postsecret event yesterday. It was really cool, but I was disappointed that more people didn't share secrets. I was even more disappointed that I couldn't drag myself up to that mic. I was thinking about it the whole time we were listening to Frank speak. I thought, I'd get up & talk about how scared I am of people. I'd say every one in this room terrafies me, even Frank, even the person I came with. But I couldn't do it, watching other people go up, picturing myself up there, made me shake all over. I felt faint. And I thought...well, if I make myself go up there I'm going to be very mad at myself for a while, so I'd better just stay here. Haha.

I had loads to write about, since I didn't have internet for a while, I was trying to remember every thing I wanted to say, but alas, I forgot.

Oh, well I s'pose I should mention some blond moments. Yesterday, it was gloomy & over cast, so I turned my headlights on, turns out I forgot to turn them off. So when Ericka dropped me off at my car, it was dead. As a doornail, whatever that means. Later that night, (she drove me to my house) my dad & I went to jump my car. When dad popped the hood to show me where the cables go, he found my missing oil cap...It was stuck the the hood, impailed on the insulation.

I can't remember what else I was going to write about so this is the end.

Love & grape juice,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

If the rain would stop...

I am broke again! Mug me if you like, there are no monies to be had. I mean, I am really, truely, broke as a joke. After an entire week of not spending any money, I had to get gas ($5) & oil ($2) & put air in my tires ($1). I just over-drafted by 50 cents.

On to other news. Well, there is no other news. Being as broke as I am, I try not to go any where, or do any thing, lest I be tempted to spend money that isn't real. Speaking of which, I'm not going to the teen over night. I was planning on it, but alas, life is beyond my control, & I have medical bills.

I have been insanely lazy this week, & have gotten nothing done. So when I'm done wasting my time here, I'm going to hop in the shower, & then do some much needed packing.

Have I mentioned that I hate packing? It really truely sucks. But now I have a dead-line, & I like getting things done before my dead-lines, so I shall pack more. Oooh, dad gave me this cool old suitcase the other day. He said mum would want to take it so I might as well pack stuff in it. I'm saving it for last 'cause it is sooo cool. It's all cracked leather & cloudy hinges. Love!

I'm really excited about moving. The excitment sort of comes & goes though. Right now I'm happy & looking forward to it, but I really really really wish I wasn't leaving Chris. I don't know what I'm going to do with out him. I just...can't stay for him. I know that sounds horrid. If you really love some one, you don't leave them, do you? I really love him, but I'm being self-centered. As usual.


I need a haircut. I'm very tired of my hair, it needs to be short again. But alas, I am BROKE. Should I say it again? Broke as a joke, can't afford any thing, excited about finding a dime on the floor, BROKE. So my hair shall wait. Unless I get really fed up, in which case, I will chop it all off, & just wear a hat. And even though it will look HORRID, I'll be happy 'cause it's not all over the place & choking me in my sleep. I don't know how my dad & Chris deal with such long hair. It would drive me up a tree.

Okay, I'm going to shower now, & stop wasting time!
(Yeah, as if.)

Love & sharks!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My tales are small, your tales are tall.

WOAHMYGOSH. It's been an age since I felt like writing. Not true, I've felt like writing, but when I got home, & sat down to do it, I didn't care any more.

Well well well, where to begin?

One night at work, (a few days ago?) I saw Andy Gilbert. I haven't seen him in like...five years?
Anyway, we talked briefly, & he asked if I still wrote poetry. It sort of suprised me, but before I could say no, I haven't writen so much as a couplet in years, he said that was the one thing that really stood out about me, how good my poems were. I was...floored! I hardly ever shared my writing, even in that poetry class. I never thought it was good enough. The fact that he even remembered my writing, just...wow. His words made me feel warm & fluffy all night. I still feel warm & fluffy thinking about it! That was such a nice thing for him to say. No one ever compliments things that I do, people always compliment me. As in, you're so pretty, as opposed to you write so well. Being complimented by one of my peers felt sooo lovely. I think I'm going to start writing again. Not bloging, real writing. I already have a couple haikus floating around in my head.

I am so very excited for Halloween! I made my costume today, I'm the pumpkin faerie! I put Aaron's together too, & I'm oh so thrilled. I've been trying for years to talk him into going as a girl, & now, finally, he's going to do it! So he is a gypsy with a mustache. I'm almost done with Kate & Damien's as well. Damien is going as a mexican bandito, & Kate will be a devil. (She already is one, I'm just going to put horns on her.)

Speaking of fall, I finally have a set date for the move! My grandpa is going to help us move Thanksgiving weekend. Mum wishes we could go sooner, but I don't mind. It gives me plenty of time to pack, save some money, & do some of the things I've been meaning to do all year.

I just sent my application into Cochise college in Douglas. I can not wait 'till January when classes start! I want to get a move on with my education.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that education, but I have a few ideas. I'd like to go into Anthropology, or radio journalism. I'd love to work for NPR. Can you imagine me having my own show? I don't know what it would be about (I really have no ideas) but it would be awesome.

Dad is letting me take one of his bikes with me when we move. I'm thrilled, I did not expect to bring it, but it's gonna' rule. Douglas is super small, so I'll be able to ride my bike every where, except school. I'm gonna' be so fit!

I've actually been thinking about selling my car before we move, & buying some thing new (to me anyway, I couldn't afford a new car, & I have zero credit to buy one anyway) when we get there. I might not even get a car, since it's southern Arizona, I could ride a motercycle or moped year-round, & just borrow some one elses when I want to go to Sierra Vista or Tucson.

Oh my gosh I'm hungry. Chris is making dinner for me tonight! Yess, I'm looking forward to it, but it will be at least two hour from now, oh how shall I last?

Pardon my randomness.

Ooooh ooh ooh! I forgot to mention TIM!

So, heres the scoop, Tim is my (sort-of) ex boyfriend. (We never technically dated, but we um...sort of did? It's complicated.) After he moved to China, we kept in touch, e-mailing each other back & forth. After a while we sort disconected, the e-mails grew fewer & far between, until eventually we stopped e-mailing all together. I started thinking about him a while ago, & thought it kinda' sucked that we lost touch that way, so I sent him a message. I waited, & waited, & figured he wasn't going to write me back. Until, ALAS! Who's name did I spy in my inbox? TIM! I was really excited, & sent a prompt reply. It's sort of hard for me to relate to his life (we both maintain totally differant social statuses, he's an adult, & he lives in China...) so my e-mail is sort of...self-centered? I hope he understands. :-/ I don't retain any sort of romantic feelings for Tim, but I'd hate to think that we weren't friends. He was a big part of my life, bigger than he knows, I'm sure.

I beleive that's all for now, ttfn!

Love & bc,