Thursday, March 27, 2008

chewing on pens, watching cartoons

This week has been sexy.
In more than one way. ;]

I got to hang with Boyfriend monday, tuesday & wednsday, & not just for a few hours, all day long. I seriously got home at midnight every night.
I guess it's only three days, but it feels like it's been weeks.
In a good way!

Last night was hott.
I don't want to go into to much detail, lest I get you all hott and horny, but lets just was awesome. Hah, I felt Go figure. It was insecure-making, but cool at the same time, like it felt okay to be insecure in front of him. It's hard to explain, but with Nick I feel safe, even when I'm feeling insecure.

Last night when I got home(It was 12, I was flushed, & stumbling like I was trippen, good thing mum had already gone to bed...) I felt so...electrified! I was so tired, it felt amazing to just lie down on my floor, all I did was lie there & write song lyrics until I remembered that I had to work in the morning. That boy inspires me.

When we kiss it makes me see music. I'm so crazy, but it's real! I see harmonics, power chords, mellodies that flow so, perfectly intertwined with a primal beat. But mostly harmonics.

I'm silly.
A silly little girl.
But it's okay! =^-^=

I gots my hair cut today. Horrays!!!
It's not short or any thing totally exciting. Boyfriend asked me not to cut my hair real short, he likes it long, so I got about half an inch trimmed off, and now I have BANGS. Full on eyebrow length straight across the forhead BANGS. I look supa' cute if I may say so myself. Though it's still got that new hat feel.

Ho-hum pigs-bum...

I less than three cheap clothes. I almost never buy jeans from the mall or other stores just because I like them better from the thrift store. Plus, if they only cost like five bucks, it's totally cool if I wear them once & decide I don't like them, or if I do some thing stupid--such as attempting to do the splits in skin tight jeans--and rip them, or if I spill some thing gross on them, or get grass stains on them, it's okay! 'Cause they were only five bucks, and it'll only be another five bucks to get new ones!

Although I'm sort of thrifty, I'm not the type of person to wear clothes out. Another reason I love thrift stores: I get bored of my clothes at the drop of a hat, I like always having some thing new. And I go through styles supa' quick. Right now I really love skirts & flats, girly flirty summery looks, & cordory. Lots of cordory.....But I'll 'prolly be totally over than in a couple monthes.

I've never been the type of person who'll wear the same bathing suit two summers in a row.
Even back when I was a kid and I just wore whatever my 'rentals gave me, I couldn't stand having the same bikini twice over agian, but it was some thing my parents didn't get. My parents believe in wearing it 'till it's either worn-out, or you've grown out of it. I pulled all sorts of tricks to avoid wearing the same bathing suits two summers in a row, I had my dog eat one, re-sewed one so it'd be to small, lost one, ripped one, fell in the mud & stained one. But this year, I think I can't wait to wear my suit from last year! I randomly put it on today when I got home from work, & all I could think was dammn! It's really cute. And I don't feel nearly as insecure as I did last summer, so I think I'll enjoy wearing it more.

This is the weirdest blog...
Love & lip-gloss,

I less than three this blog:
Check'er out, she be coolio.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Stumble & st-st-stutter

I've become quite addicted to the intorwebz as of late. Some times I forget just how many websites there are to see. I just finished reading this blog, it was pretty interesting.

I really should stop procrastinating. :/

I need to do dishes, if I don't my mum will be quite pissed, & I wont get to go to the Ice-hogs game tonight.

Anyways. I've never been a jealous person, I sound like I'm full of crap, but honestly I just don't get jealous. Some times I think I'm missing some thing crucial, but I don't know how to be jealous. But I found myself feeling the sting of envy thursday when I went to the mall with Nick & Mad. I'm not even going to write about it, I feel silly just thinking about it. I'm such a moron some times.

I can't help being who I am though. I guess I just forgot how inexperienced I am with guys. Latley I've been feeling like I just don't know how to be a girlfriend, let alone a good one. I don't know what Nick wants, & that's making me feel quite insecure. When my age comes up in conversation Boyfriend will say some thing like "yeah, I'm a bad man" & it makes me feel like I'm just this silly little girl. But basically that's what I am.

Freud couldn't figure out what women want, but what do men want?!

I spent so long wanting Nick, wishing that we could be together. But I don't know what to do now that I have him!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with our relationship. I less than three Nick!
He's ah-mai-zing. Every moment we're together is greater than the last. I just want him to feel the same way! I want to know that he's happy.

It's to bad he's so busy. The whole two job thing really sucks.

A'right, time to get a mooooove on.
I've gots ta' get the kitchen clean.

Love & blisters,

Friday, March 21, 2008


Sooooo yesterday I kind of got roped into audtioning for Nick C.'s band.(Not Boyfriend, a different Nick.) I mean, I do want to do it, no ones making me. But at the same time....I really don't want to do it.

My pantaloons are scared. >.<

So now I'm s'posed to "learn" five songs before April 5th. I pretty much know them all, not really well or any thing, but well enough to sing along in the car. I guess that dosn't really mean much. Nick C. sent me an e-mail about the audition, and there was an attachment with all the song lyrics, but my dumb computer wont let me open it.(That might be because I don't know what my computer wants me to do...)

Grrrr! >:[

I opend up project playlist so's I could look up these songs, get more of a feel for them, but my featured playlist started up right away & now I can't stop listening to it. It's really good.
Hah. I do have good taste in tunage, but I kind of think I should be working on this music.....damn me for being a procrastinator.

Okay, I'm looking them up now.
1. Hot blooded--Foreigner
2. Don't stop believin'--Journey
3. Roll with the changes--REO speedwagon
4. Come sail away--Styx
5. Dreams--Van halen

I'm listening to Hot Blooded right now, & I've got to say, I can totally picture myself up on stage rockin' out to this song.

It's like, when I just think of the audition, I feel really scared.(I'm not doing my emotions justice, I think the word terrified is more acurate) I'm a lot more insecure than I let on, & even if the guys in Nick C.'s band are totally suportive & wonderfully nice, getting up & seriously singing for people is a very vunerable position for me. But when I'm actually listening to the music, when I picture myself singing it, I feel like I can totally do it. I feel sort of...powerful.

It's kind of like when I'm acting, I always feel like I can't do it, I always feel chicken shit, I can never remember my lines two minutes before I go on stage, and generally I start feeling sick the night of the dress rehersal & I don't stop feeling sick 'till I'm actually out on stage, but once I get up there, once I'm out in front of the audience, it's all gone. My mind basically goes blank, & while I'm on stage, if it's an hour or just a few minutes, I am my character. It's such a rush too. Nothing can compair to the way I feel when I'm performing.

I think I can do this. I know I can do this. I am going to rock this audition!

Love & power chords,

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ariel, warrior princess

Question, what is more fun than using a foam sword to beat the crap out of your mom, brother, & best-friend?
Answer, NOTHING.

Today Aaron & I made foam swords. We fought in a tornament with other kiddoes. 'Twas awesome.

Later, Mad-dog came over. We went trapsing around the woods by the railroad tracks for a while(when you have nothing to do, trapsing through woods is always a good choice). When we got tired we went home & watched Scooby-doo with Aaron.

When that got boring the three of us went to Whitehead, where we proceded to take turns killing each other with our mock-weapons. We stayed there, whacking, hacking, & slashing at each other untill we were battered, bruised, & sore.

After that, we chilled at my house, & killed each other on super smash bros. Bwahaha.

I love kicking peoples butts.

Love & pain killers,

Monday, March 17, 2008


I feel really ticked off. Like I want to punch some one in the face. And I have no idea why.

I guess today was just...I don't know.

Tomorrows not going to be any better.

Some times I'm happier when I'm day-dreaming.
Most of the time, actually.

Love & gold-fish,

I was just looking at grouphug, it wasn't making me feel better. In fact, the more I read the angrier I got. But this made me smile:
Some times I feel like there are people out there who, in an alternet reality. And I would have no idea that they were really there if it wern't for websites like grouphug and postsecret. Now I'm angry, happy, & saddish all at once. ://

guilty face

I miss Nick. I feel like I'm suffering withdrawls.
I called him today, but I really had nothing to talk about & I didn't know what to say so I felt slightly awkward.

That's life I s'pose.

I have no moniez.
I'm broke for real.

Today sucks bums.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

some times I think people are talking about me...

I'm really addicted to grouphug. I go on that site every single day, and it's one of the websites I check before I go to bed at night. This one confession really made me smile. When I read it,
I got this feeling like I know who said it, and who they were talking about. :)

It's 'prolly not who I think it is, but it's a nice feeling. And it made me think of all the local groups I've ever really liked, & how important just a few words can be to small time bands.

I wish I could have a band, but only a couple of my friends are And I'd be to scared to audition for some one elses band. :(

Love & drum sticks,

musical drug-trip

Last night Mad & I went to le' suckbox. We were really going there so we could walk to Ben's house & hang with him, but sadly he was busy with other stuffs.

We had some chinese foods, & chilled at the suckbox for a while. I really felt like the whole night was a waste of time, & I kept hoping Boyfriend would call me.(He didn't, but I knew he wasn't going to.)

Untill the last band came on. Gads, they were the sex. They made me want to get up & dance my pants off--but Mad was to busy flirting with some dude & I'm to insecure to dance by myself.

I finally managed to drag her away from said guy for the last song, it was the shitt!
When they were done playing every one started chanting one more song! When they played the very last song every one got up on stage and started moshing.
And I have the bruses to prove it. ;)

2*sweet really rocked last night. You know a band is good when you feel like you're falling in love with them. I think they might have replaced ACF as my favorite band.

Love & kick-flips,

Friday, March 14, 2008


Lets get things straight(haha), the fact is, I'm bi. Got it? Good, on with the story.

I really like Nick. He's....amazing. He's the first guy I've actually had feelings for since Garret.
I think about him alot, & even when I'm checking out other hot guys I know I'll never want any of them--ahem, hot starbucks guy who always gets tea? Yeah that guys smokin, & he's not the only one. But I don't care about any of them, not the way I do for Nick.

But the other day at work, this really cute punk girl came in. God she was fly. She looked so real too! Not like all the other ''punks'' around here. For ages all I could think about was her, I was just trying to come up with some excuse to talk to her. Finally I was just like ''screw this'' and started to walk over to her. Then sudenly, it hit me, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND.

Fuck! XD

I felt bad, but it was funny. Like, oh man! I just forgot I had a boyfriend for a moment! It was one of those moments where I was really glad no one can read my mind.

Love & catfish,

I less than three this webpage:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

rocket ship luurve

Is it totally crazy that when ever I say goodbye to Boyfriend I want to tell him that I love him?

Well...We've only been dating about 10 days, so I'd say...yes.
Plus, when I was dating Phill & later Richie, they both dropped the L-bomb with in the first two weeks(or in Richie's case, days) of dating and it freaked me out. Seriously, when guys say the L-word, I usually turn tail and run. Except with Garret, but that's because I really did love him.

Love is a little word with a big meaning.

Love can be pretty scary too.

I know it sounds completely insane, but honestly, I really do think I love Nick.
Wow, I've never actually admitted any thing like that before. Not even to myself.


I'm nuts. I'm not going to tell Nick that I love him. Imagine what he would think!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

one cool web page

I went on this website, I don't know how I found it, but it has links to all sorts of great blogs.
This one isn't really a blog, but I fell in love with it.
I bet you didn't know that a person could fall madley in love with a web page.
Some of the stuff on that site is funny, some of it's sad, but it's all worth seeing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

school-girls, tea & rainbow socks

Today was ah-maze-ing.

I was just chillen', sitting at my computer, myspacing('cuz I'm one of Tom's many slaves), eating some left overs. I took a huge bite of last nights pizza, and as if it was waiting for me to stuff my face, my phone rang. My cell is a peice of crap, so I can't tell who's called me if I miss it, unless they leave a message, so I'm like ''ohemgee who be callin me?"(yeah, I thought those exact words) and picked it up. Ofcourse, when I said hello, it came out like ''ewl-aoh?"
It was Nick.(My boyfriend) I had to say hang on, and put the phone down while I chewed and swallowed, but I'm pretty sure it came out like ''hag-oh''

I was super happy that he called.(I'm pretty easy to please) I had just been wondering if I should call him--since he dosen't really have time to hang this week & I thought I wasn't going to see him for a while--but I didn't know if he'd want me to call him just to talk.(I still don't know, I'm a dork & forgot to ask him the questions I've been meaning to ask)

"So what are you up to?" He asked.
"Uhm, right this minute?" I replyed stupidly.
"Yeah"(or some thing like that, I don't remember the convo perfectly and I'm leaving oodles out fer sure)
"Absolutly nothing"
"So you're just sitting around at home?"(Oh he's crafty)
"Well I'm standing, but yeah."
"Well why don't you go take a look out your front window."(Again, leaving shhtuff out)

So with phone in hand I dashed to the front door. As you may have guessed--or not if you're a little slow, tired, stupid or impaired in some other way--Nick was out side!
Not suprisingly, I squealed like an anime school girl.

It's pretty awesome that I wasn't like....wearing my pjs or some thing. Because quite often after class if I don't have any plans I'll be like, uhh....screw this I'm gonna' wear my jammies.
I even put perfume on today. :0

So Nick took me out to lunch & it was fabulicious!
(Ya' know, I really adore that guy.)

I had a great time, because of Ace(that's my nick name for...uh...Nick) I was happy all day, even during drivers ed! :D The kiss goodbye kind of helped. When I get irritated with my driving instructer, all I have to do is think about kissing Nick and I feel better. ^_^

Okay, so usually my title actually make sence once you read my blog, but it dosen't really this time. I mean, obviously it's school-girls 'cuz I squealed like school-girl when I saw Nick(he often makes me squeal, maybe because I am a school-girl of sorts), but just incase you want further explanation, it's tea 'cuz that's what I drank at lunch, and rainbow socks 'cuz I was wearing a white mini-skirt & rainbow knee-socks.

Love & Disco!