Friday, September 5, 2008

chom chom

It seems I haven't updated in...quite a while....

Theres been some relationship drama. I was in denile about the whole thing with Nick, he hurt me, I felt pathetic, I told everyone, including myself, that I was totally over him & was happier with out him. Lies, all lies.

Then Nick's best friend John(who had become one of my best friends too) professed his love to me. There was this whole drawn out thing with John because I wasn't sure if I wanted to date him & yadda yadda yadda. The night before I said yes to John this guy named Tim asked me out on a date.

I ended up really liking Tim & going on a few dates with him despite the fact that I was seeing John. I felt like I was living two differant lives. One where I was depressed & moody & always glad to see my guy John, & one where I was witty, smart, & always smiling when I saw my guy Tim.

Two nights before I left for Arkansas I ended up cheating on John & loosing my virginity at the same time. I felt like shit for what I did to John, but I don't regret it. That night was amazing.

The next day John & I broke up. I didn't give him any reason, I didn't want him to know what I did. What kind of person I had become.

I spent a week in Arkansas & tried to pretend that I didn't have any relationship drama the whole time I was there. Which wasn't easy since every one kept asking me about my love life.

After I got back Tim and I saw each other a couple more times.
Once we had sushi & went bowling. It was perfect. We both sucked at bowling, & we looked & acted for all the world like a perfect couple.
The last time we saw each other(before he moved to China) of the most amazing nights ever.

I still miss him a lot.

I drew red, gold & grey flowers the next day, & I wrote a short poem about our bohemian romance. They are hanging on my bedroom wall now, every time I see them I remember my last night with Tim. ^_^

But now all that's over. I don't talk to Nick or John, & Tim is teaching in China.