Friday, September 10, 2010

Strike on box

Alright blog, I've ignored you long enough. Mostly because I haven't felt like looking at my life. I still don't, to be honest, but some times I start to feel guilty if I don't write for a while. Which, is very strange, since I only write for my own benefit, isn't self-neglect some thing I'm good at? Heh.

Here's the quick round-up:
Old Chai fired me, for stupid reasons. I was pretty bent out of shape at first, getting fired--no matter how stupid the reason--is a lot like getting dumped, it sucks. But the job wasn't that great anyway, a trained monkey could easily be my replacement, so I harbor no ill-will.

Today I was hired by Macy's. (Am I not supposed to blog about that?) I love the store, & I think I'd like working there, buuut I'm not sure how it's going to work out. They hired me as "on call," but I don't own a car so I can't really show up at the drop of a hat. My first day of training is tomorrow, so I guess I'll talk to a supervisor about the car issue then. Hopefully it's some thing we can work around. (At least long enough for me to use my employee discount!)

If it doesn't work out I'll be ok. I talked to J a few days ago, & I think I'm going to work at B&N again. I really thought I wanted to do some thing different, (especially since you-know-who really rubs me the wrong way) but I miss working in the cafe! I miss the coffee, I miss the coworkers, I miss the customers. I thought it was high time for a change, but I really don't think I'll be happy working some where else. I guess I just enjoy being a coffee slave.

That's the long & short of it I suppose. Lots of things have happened between, went to this party, ate dinner with so-&-so, hang out with what's-his-face, but I'm sleepy, & cranky, so I'm going to bed.

Love & lotion,

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